Monday, November 23, 2020

Fate is hindsight

But is there proof

The doors were locked

When you simply neglected to open

The right one?

Everything that happens

Seems necessary working backward:

Your lover’s rejection, the career that sputtered,

The dreams scattered, that calamitous fall—

Or was a fall intended as the one we are told

Produced a glorious result?

Happenstance and necessity

Chance and destiny

Regardless, we are moved through this life

Through chaos or meaning—

Acceptance and reflection is all

Monday, November 16, 2020

 The dissolution —

That music hath a dying fall

From the first tremulous note—

It is a grave matter to enter this world

Forcing recognition of the mortal terror

Seizing at the breaking of innocence

A silent shout that persists

But grows tired and almost familiar 

With a crescendo like a dying fall

That passes for acceptance

Falling from the start

Friday, October 23, 2020

Where the mind goes

Memory goes

Down avenues, streets, 

And narrow corridors

Leading to unlocked doors,

Rooms with all the lights left on 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Perchance the birds
Know in their solidarity
When to scatter, when to stay.
A human hand can make them flee
Until the seed offered by that hand
Entices their wary return.
Who is friend, who is foe
Not always simple —
Ask the birds
Perchance they know.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

If a meteor should rend our spinning earth 
In twain, there is no ground for belief
That the act was done to stop all human birth
Or if a tornado gathers all its force
To uproot all houses, all children, without relief
No one dare claim a purposeful course.
What then of a contagion spread 
With untold numbers of sick and dead?
Is there a benefit in seeking blame
Unless an act of horrific shame?
A virus, though a deadly thing,
Has no thought of the harm it brings—
A virus knows no one’s name.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Where dreams emerge like ripples
In a lapping lagoon
You are surprised, beguiled
By beauty unexpected
Long locks shining from sunlight
A face turned to the warm sun
A delicate gesture
A laugh with hair tossed
Your aging body drawn to
The shimmering dream

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pity the poor body—
It suffers and ages
While piloting us through this life
As only a body can
Until it dies and must endure the
Degradation and humiliation
Of the grave
Tortured with the corrosive fire of decay
Until what beauty it ever possessed 
Becomes broken bits of bone

We exalt the spirit and desire the formless
But when we ascend to such state
Will we not miss the eyebeams of love
And the touch of lips in our first kiss?

Monday, January 20, 2020

Un amor extraño impregna tu alma.
Oyes sonar las campanas que alcanzan 
El rincón oscuro de tu cámara,
Pero persistes en tus deseos. 
La risa que te rodea no es tuya, 
Una risa sue ignoras 
A favor de este extraño amor.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

It accumulates everywhere
Absent vigilance
Its relentless accretions
Blur every object in gray monotony
Obscuring all singularity
It signifies a caked, moldy, and crumbling world
Left to itself
Like the dust we are
Without the renewing of spirit